The Poem: Kashmir
It touched me on the banks of the destitute lake and then again, on that river of wrath.
The eerie wind of conflict consumed me: when last did I cry.
( Moonis Ali )
Where funerals, consignment of the beloved to the grave has become a norm.
Wailings of the parents tremble me; I scorn, flout the tyranny, crave to be free: when last did I cry.
( Ishfaq Rashid )
Some have forgotten our history, few care to remember those who died fighting.
Some will return home back while others we will never see: when last did I cry.
( Azhar Imtiyaz )
All precious things we lost on our way.
What we gathered in the sun, is now buried under the tree. When last did I cry.
( Hashim Bashir )
In the land of saints, I wait for you like a Sufi.
Tears from my eyes, my voiceless screams, are not lost completely. When last did I cry.
( Hashim Bashir )
My boat drowned in the dry, inch by inch slowly. When last did I cry.
As Niobe looses her mind, she asks me: When last did I cry?
( M Hussain )
Deprived of eyes, my heart will shriek everytime my soul blinks.
Alas! they blinded me not my faith that ignites me: when last did I cry?
( Moonis Ali )
A small child caught in the abbatoir of justice fancies a dream of peace.
What shall mother sing to lull him for tranquility. When last did I cry?
( Mir Haseeb )
Not Far away from the eyes of the world, we continue to suffer and die silently.
All the blood spilled fills the vale like the red sea: when last did I cry.
( Fayyaz Ganaie )
As the soldiers march past the Chinar in the town square,
The trees wail, shedding their leaves untimely: When last did I cry?
( Tawqeer Nasir )